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Relation Made the News | Risk & Insurance, Chief Marketer, University Business

Relation Made the News | Risk & Insurance, Chief Marketer, University Business

A Roundup of Press Hits Covering Our Growth this Spring & Early Summer


Summer is heating up for Relation.

We Added New Leadership to Help Relation Grow

It started with a “People on the Move” profile in Risk and Insurance, featuring Tim Hall, Relation executive vice president of mergers and acquisitions, and a spotlight on Chris McKechnie, Relation chief financial officer in Business Insurance.

We Provided Thought Leadership around B2B Marketing Best Practices

Then, just in time for Memorial Day, our SVP of Marketing & Communications, Natalie Zensius, spoke with Chief Marketer about the new technology and processes Sales and Marketing is adopting to collaborate and close deals faster. 

The team recently adopted a new CRM—moving from Salesforce to Microsoft Dynamics—and is doing a series of campaigns to capitalize on the highest value leads.

“We want to find the most motivated sales producers who want to work with marketing, and look at those opportunities,” she says.

We Offered Guidance on Making Collegiate Athletics Safer

Heading into June, University Business tapped our athletic risk insurance consultant, Andrew Massey, to write a guest blog outlining ways universities can establish and maintain safety-centered athletic cultures.

“To support this model of care, universities should also ensure that everyone in the athletics program has a shared philosophy and is working together for the well-being of the athlete. This common interest can help to bridge any gaps in communication and keep care athlete-centered.”


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